
What are three main aspects of OT service delivery?

What is an OT referral?
The basic request for OT services.
May be termed order or consultation

What is an OT screening?
Acquisition of info to determine need for in depth evaluation & obtain preliminary understanding of pts needs

What is the evaluation process?
Comprehensive process of obtaining and interpreting the data necessary to understand the individual, system, or situation

 Check out these resources:

Exam Facts for OT on Amazon (New, Updated Verision)


Practice Test Questions

Define briefly Echopraxia
Repetitive imitation of another person's movements

Define briefly Ideational Apraxia
Uses objects incorrectly (ex: uses toothbrush to brush hair)

What is the Cognitive Performance Test?
Based on Allen’s Cognitive Levels it is an assessment of 6 ADL tasks that require cognitive skills

What is the Barthel Index?
A measurement of a person's independence in BADLs before and after intervention and the level of personal care needed for the individual

Check out MORE questions at this two recommended

ExamFacts OT & COTA Exams

Amazon Books

Updated Information

Hello all!
It's been a while, but I wanted to post a new updated version of a couple of GREAT resources for the NBCOT exam that are now available.  Also, I've added a few example questions just for fun!!!

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NBCOT & COTA Books for Exam Review

OT Study Guide

What is an activity synthesis?
It is the process of designing activity for OT evaluation or Intervention
It combines information from activity analysis with assessment information to meet person's needs

What are the four purposes of activity analysis and synthesis?
Teaching an activity
Determining if a person can perform activity
Adapting activity
Grading activity

What is the teaching learning process?
Process by which OT designs experiences for person's acquisition of knowledge and skills